Thursday, December 16, 2010


a few of his books:
  • Entertaining Look at Success - Book Review submitted by "VA Strat" -
    Donald Trump's book 'How to Get Rich' is entertaining and fun to read. Of course, if you know Donald, he is not out to breed competition, but rather to give you insight into his life and his passion for what he does - as well as make you smile (or mad) at his brash sense of humor. Taken on the surface, one may not find any ingredients to success within this book, but it's there in his affirmations and beliefs. This is not a business book per say, but a book written by a successful businessman who does reveal his secrets to getting rich so far as his mindset, passion, and dedication all taken with a smile and given with candor. Read it -- and look at the subtle lessons and disregard any business plan ideas that you may have looked to glean.
  • All Trump - Book Review submitted by "Michael" of Australia -
    This is a book about Donald Trump talking about his favorite subject, Donald Trump. Which isn't a bad thing, but it could be disappointing for those expecting to read the book and possibly learn "how to get rich". Trump is about entertainment, which is what the book is. It's also a self affirmation for Trump, something he could read himself when he is feeling insignificant (which is rarely I'm sure).
    Some people love the man and some people think the opposite, but I'm somewhere in between. He is a successful business man and likes talking about himself, so he can be a source of learning from. He doesn't share too many of his secrets, but the book is still an excellent read. It's hard to put down once you start.
  • Kind of Motivational - Book Review submitted by "Peter D." of London - 3 star book review
    Although the book didn't live up to its title, it was still an entertaining read. Written in a fast novel-like manner "How to Get Rich" by the Donald is a book written more to entertain than to educate. Trump has used it to name drop and as self promotion more than to let others in on any trade secrets to getting rich. But this is part of who Donald Trump is, so one couldn't expect much else.
    That being said, it is still worth the read, just don't expect to find any great revelations

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