Sunday, December 5, 2010


The islands of the Redang Archipelago are Malaysia's gems in the South China Sea. These islands are mostly uninhabited. A solitary fishing village exist on the main island of Pulau Redang. There are a dozen or so resorts on this island catering to the needs of visitors.
     Immediately upon arriving at Redang, the turquiose sea offers an enticing invitation to 'test the water'. Many have been deceived by Redang's crystal clear water. As if to dispel an illusion, unsuspecting visitors would jump into the sea only to discover themselves in water deeper than expected!
     Venture into the water and seek acquaintance with our resident eel, blue ringed angelfish, giant garoupa, ray, black tipped shark, etc. Chance encounter with Green turtle and Hawkbill turtle is common. There are corals of every imaginable shape, size or colour. The sheer variety of colourful marine life is mind-boggling!
     Observant visitors are rewarded with sights of flatworm, shrimp, nudibranch, squid, cuttlefish, stonefish, lionfish, pipefish,....just to name a few. Snorkelling and scuba diving experiences here are exhilarating and take on new meanings. Scuba lessons are available at nature's paradise.
     On land, the coconut palms at the fringes of the islands sway in the gentle breeze. A very persuasive invitation to walk their sun-kissed beaches - laced with the finest of coral white sand.
     Nature has proved herself a great artist here. Redang offers such a wonderful holiday in paradise that many visitors have fallen in love after a brief sojourn!
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